Sunday, 9 February 2025


Of psychologists and crickets


Father might have many defects, but he also had some virtues that Mother didn´t value. The most important thing in my view was how affectionate he was with everyone, especially me.

Wednesday, 29 January 2025


    Svejk Batman to the Chaplain


   ‘Do you know why we´re taking you to the chaplain?’

   ‘For confession’, said Svejk nonchalantly. ‘Tomorrow they´re going to hang me. This is what they always do on these occasions and they call it spiritual consolation.’

The Good Soldier Svejk


Wednesday, 15 January 2025



     Dear Fran,

     I do not have a clearly defined pictorial physiognomy that makes my works instantly recognizable. And that's how I want to continue for the moment.

Sunday, 1 December 2024


     Wind quartet in Am for voice and basso continuo with chorus of hens.

     The auditorium is small in size. You could say that it is an individual room for music lovers where only the musicians and one lucky listener fit, since the space it occupies is exactly a little cement bridge with railings taken from an old balcony over the Salado stream. I am talking about a surface area of ​​approximately three by four metres.

Wednesday, 20 November 2024


‘We shall meet to-night, thank Heaven. Thank Heaven, I need not be alone. Wes hall dine together. Wes hall say Good-bye to Percival, WHO GOES TO India. The hour is still distant, but I feel already those harbingers, those outriders, figures of one´s Friends in absence.’

The Waves



Monday, 28 October 2024


From what I have lived 

Self-esteem, like blood sugar, must flctuate between two levels. Below the mínimum you don´t want yourself; if you exceed the máximum you don´t want whoever is beside you.

A very high amount of self-esteem puts the relationship with the other at risk.

From my Borstal


Friday, 18 October 2024


     Laura and Coca Cola

     It was the dogs´ fault for having met Mrs Brenda. Or rather the fault, in truth, was an inopportune oversight on the part of Mrs Brenda.

     She had taken her pets for a walk as usually does every day, only on this occasion and after spending a few minutes recreating herself in the wonderful landscape offered by the waterfall on the outskirts of the town, she forgot the dogs leash. I -like you- keep wondering how the hell she could leave both leashes behind if that is what she is been doing since she arrived in town four years ago. Isn´t it a gesture that becomes automated by repeating it regularly?

     The path that goes down to the Salado stream is a delight at this time of year. The first drops of water have fallen and the environment smells of freshly washed fennel and wet soil.

     At the end of September and beginning of October, the grouping of many speccies of birds that are going to cross the Strait looking to spend the Winter in Africa takes place in the Iberian Península and mainly in the south; it is the right time to observe incredible flock of Sand Martin like the ones I saw while arriving at an abandoned quarry about two or three kilometers from Pruna.

     There was also an elegant black wheatear nearby, which was entertained by the aerial show of its neighbors since its task as a male committed to raising its offspring had concluded and it no longer needed to carry more stones to its nest.

     And there, she was without taking her reyes off me.

     It was a beautiful short-toed Eagle that took advantage of the rise of hot air that collided with the rock wall and produced a chimney effect. It was flying over my head at about fifty meters and I was able to identify it without any problema because this lady spent a few minutes hovering in circles with centric points without apparent effort. What a joy to behold?

     The other lady had forgotten the leashes… And I wanted to sit for a while on one of the benches at the Cascade viewpoint and there I found what you already know. A few days later Mrs Brenda knocked on my door asking if I had anything that was hers.

     That´s how we met.


     Y. a.
