Saturday 30 June 2018

Muelle del Tinto 
     Dear Fran,
     My maestro is a charm. Do you want to know what he has done today? He has given me one of his paintings. It´s a beautiful view of the pier called Muelle del Tinto, you know, that architectural and elegant creation made by the Eiffel´s school according to ones or built buy two English engineers according other ones. I had showed interest in it a couple of time and he might understand I was asking him for the painting; a couple of times, I promise you, were enough and this morning he surprised me with the gift.

Thursday 21 June 2018


Matteo Salvini, Italy’s new anti-migrant interior minister, blocked the Aquarius rescue ship carrying 629 people from docking in its ports at the weekend, prompting international outcry.

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Dear Fran,
She wanted to be a teacher.
She loves children and she got a hard patience. She couldn´t study but her effort was recompensed because nowaday is the owner of a day nursery and three auxiliars are working with her.