Wednesday 29 May 2019

A trip to La Puebla de los Infantes
    Last weekend I drove my lady to La Puebla de los Infantes.
    She had planned to meet with her cousins whom she had not seen since her aunt's funeral. So, after greeting her family members, I settled on with her to eat and in that way let them talk in privacy and I had time to take some pictures of the town.

Monday 20 May 2019

Prisioner nº 32269 

In O Martírio de Ravensbrück, José Milhazes stops to give an account of the characteristics of this German concentration / extermination camp. Located 90 kilometres north of Berlin, Leida had the 'privilege' of being the first of a list of Estonian inmates who - heaped in a cattle train - travelled for seven days to the terrible scene of stinking crimes.

Saturday 11 May 2019

Os amados que dormem na eternidade

The longest chapter of the book is illustrated with photographs
    Casa clandestina de Ida e de Leida
Lista de envio para Ravensbrück. Leida Holm é a primeira
Gulag Vorkuta
Prisioneiros constroem camino-de-ferro
Campo de concentração de Ravensbrück
Barracão e crematório do campo de concentração de Ravensbrück
Residentes de Leninegrado recolhem agua de un cano destruído na Avenida Nevsky durante o cerco nazi a cidade. URSS,1941

Thursday 2 May 2019

Moroccan women in the strawberry fields

     It is born from a humble plant that you have to help to get up by putting some suspenders —at least that's how dad used to grow them in the sunniest corner of our farm— to take a little height and ventilate its tendrils and leaves. It is a delicious food.