Tuesday, 25 June 2019

O Projecto do Museu da Liberdade e da ResistĂȘncia em Peniche

Although I have been very daring in many things, I have never had the courage to face face to face with an antiriot and I have to admit that the mere fact of seeing one of these individuals armed with all their clothing and weapons gives me physiological reactions that recommend me not to interfere too much in protests and demonstrations that could turn violent. I own up it.

Nothing to do with my relationship with the fuzz. In those cases I can play the fool to unsuspected limits, dummy to perfection, as when that cop knocked on the door of our home one day what it was raining cats and dogs and I let him soak to the skin. Poor bastard.
In silence, without ever having said it to him, I felt proud if father came home with a welt on his side or bleeding from his mouth because when there were street riots he would stand on the front lines of the protesters.
Today I heard on the radio -TSF, 9 jun 2019- a broadcast dedicated to the Peniche fortress, where work is being done to enlarge an area destined for the Museu Nacional ResistĂȘncia e Liberdade.
In my opinion I consider spaces like this very constructive. Because young people and children who will be adults in a few years must know the history of their country, not only in the books and in passing, but em carne e osso, walking through the corridors that led to the interrogation room, of vexations, of torture and they, the adolescents of today, can touch the locks that isolate freedom. I think that these historical 'museums' are necessary because we know that every sixty or seventy years socio-political situations can re-emerge and people must be educated so as not to repeat the atrocities committed two or three generations before.
(Now I´m remembering the book by J. Milhazes that I read very recently: Os Blumthal. Dictatorships of one and another sign.)
Therefore I applaud the initiative that was taken at the time to use part of Peniche's fort as an informative and formative space to prevent possible advances of political parties that support the ignominy and terror to reach the power.
If someone is interested in hearing what was said, below I leave the site.

From my Borstal.

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