Thursday, 5 August 2021


     Beijar a terra  


Beijei a terra com os meus olhos, a minha

boca e os meus dedos

Enrolei-a a mim em círculos inumeráveis

E em contemplações intermináveis

Dissolvi-me nos seus segredos.


Sophia de Mello Breyner


     The land of my parents is very similar to the land of the Serra dos Barros that sleeps in the Algarve. It is reddish, with pinkish tones as if it had been stained with cherry juice.

     The soil is a summary of the living and inert beings that have been in contact with it. Thus the sands of Playa de Lota are blonde because it contains the remains of the golden seashells.

     The humus of Sitio do Pocinho is dark due to the presence of the carob tree, as the land of the Barrocal is an almost Franciscan brown; perhaps from this order this tree has taken the vow of poverty.

     Dear Fran, I have just come to see the exhibition of a Portuguese artist who in the ancient school of Santa Rita — converted a few years ago into a Research and Information Center — has mounted on the bond of the ground we walk on and the artistic possibilities that it can offer.

Roteiro da Exposição

     Do not expect to see a large showing, like those that are exhibited in many galleries or museums, rather, approach it putting your head and your heart at the height of your feet and thus you will better understand the message that Ricardo Baptista wants to convey to us.

     Y. a.



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