Sunday 29 May 2022

 First solo exhibition!

      Dear Fran,

      I am very happy to inform you that 27 of my works are currently exhibited at C. C. La Estación in Guillena.

     As I had already told you, they are paintings reflecting some corners of Las Pajanosas, Guillena and Torre de la Reina; places for which I feel a special predilection.

     Needless to say, all the proceeds, in full, will go to the children with FD in these towns because, as you can imagine, I know well what it means to have to fight to be put on the same level as the bulk of society.

     The exhibition will be open until June 5 and I hope that many people will come and that the collaboration will be generous. I tell you, then, that the Fagin project is working and that I cannot stop talking here about the people who, like Loli, the Civic Centre’s librarian, are making an effort to ensure that everything goes perfectly and that visitors get all the possible information from the paintings, because there are some neighbours who, if not with a little help, do not recognize certain places.

     I have tried to present very varied pieces, but all with things to offer, just as we are in real life.

      Fran, I think it's worth approaching La Estación.

      Y. a.


Wednesday 11 May 2022

 The shadow of the tsar is long

«(i)três pessoas organizam uma manifestação de apoio a Alexei Navalny, opositor de Putin, acreditando que estão seguras em Portugal;

(ii)dão as suas identificações à Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, certas de que é uma entidad séria, fiável e que nunca as irá colocar em perigo;

(iii)a Câmara Municipal envía esses dados pessoais para a Embaixada da Rússia sem cualquier base legal;

(iv)a Rússia não é um regome democrático. A Rússia intimida e persegue os seus opositores.»

Cleaning out the drawer of magazines and newspapers, I found an opinion article by Nuno Pereira da Cruz, dated June 16 of last year, and I had no choice but to stop and reread it.

The journalist is very upset by the action carried out by the Lisbon mayor's office, which was none other than sharing personal information of human rights activists (names, ID, addresses, telephone numbers...) with the Russian regime.

«Assim, quando temos uma violação desta gravidade da liberdade, da segurança e das garantias básicas de um Estado de direito democrático, não interessa o nome do pobre funcionario que enviou os dados dos ativistas para a Embaixada da Rússia. Isso é poeira para os nossos olhos…»

This was a year ago. Today — after the Russian invasion of Ukraine — the tsar's shadow is even longer and suffocating, and his proselytes, wolves in sheep's clothing, welcome Ukrainian refugees to extract strictly personal information from them for the benefit of the Kremlin head honcho.

Could there be anything more demeaning?

From my Borstal.


Diário de Notícias Quarta-feira 16/6/2021