Sunday 12 May 2024


     Weekend in Pruna

     What I like most about this small house is its solarium and spending the night here for two days is the best gift they could give me.

     Godoy and his wife come here on vacation, on weekens and when caring for their Little grandson allows.

     The solarium (there are truly many hours in which the sun is present) occupies the space that was previously the hayloft and it´s amazing to be reading or writing, as I´m doing now, to look up and watch a couple of vultures hover in circles above my head.

     This time they wanted to go to the Algarve and they offered me the possibility of spending a few days in the town. Invitation that I had declined the previous times: it´s a shame that the house is closed so you can enyoy it, they convinced me.

     Yesterday, Saturday, I was wlaking with binoculars along the Cascade path that leads to a stream that was loaded with wáter from the mountains.

     Dear Fran, you can get an idea of plants, flowers and birds, always birds, that I could find: the blonde wheatear, the Bonelli´s eagle, the acentor and countless trills among which I could recognize the oriole and the nightingale, just by name the ones I hadn´t seen or head in the longest time.

     Y. a.


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