Friday, 24 February 2017

Win the race and be honest

Dear Sir or Madam,
In Joana Petiz´s article Das cosas boas desta cidade, the journalist has given me a little joy. In that article she makes an itinerary about the Pavilhão Carlos Lopes.

Friday, 17 February 2017

I´m learning to read and write and I like to do it on my own. All help is very welcome
     Today on my  return from the market I have seen a little coalbird. It was on a fence, swaying its red tail up and down. It was a female but the male was eight or ten meters further.

Friday, 10 February 2017

Bankers are not like vampires
I know there are animals that sucker blood from other ones, but I didn´t know that there are vampires that they give their blood to others.

Friday, 3 February 2017

When i became I
I´m learning to read and write and I like to do it on my own. All help is very welcome

     Dear Fran,
     You have seen I use the capital letters if I have to write surnames and first names –like Beatrice, Violet and Hope- and when I write any word after a dot. In cities, rivers, mountains, week days, months, seas and, the most important, when I have to say I.