Friday, 25 May 2018

Princely programme

Accurate is the Gary Younge´s article about Harry and Meghan´s wedding, or rather, about monarchy.
I would have liked to know nothing about that wedding too, but that´s imposible because monarchy is that, all the world, all plebeians have to know what they are interested that we know in and they make us to believe we `take part´in the historic event.

<<I wish it was private. Then they could have their seclusion and I could ignore it. But then what would the point of that be? “To be invisible,” wrote the 19th-century constitutionalist Walter Bagehot, “is to be forgotten… To be a symbol, and an effective symbol, you must be vividly and often seen.”>>

A monarchy is per se visible and must have a controlled introduction,a restrained rapprochement: they seels to forge a close relationship with the audience. It must show close to the common people and must accentuate a distance at the same time.
Not long time ago I read in a Portuguese newspaper (professor Sanjay Subrahmanyan, Diário de Notícias, 29 abril 2018, see page 44) something that, at first, I didn´t understand, but a short while later did:

<<Hoje em día a casta é muito importante porque temos sistemas para garantir empregos com base na casta. Quando isso existe, a pessoa tem interesse de pertencer a uma casta.>>

Professor Subrahmanyan spoke about India and the Indian caste system, so I thought -and I think- the same happens in a monarchy with the social class. Kings and queens are up there and any Tom, Dick or Harry (not our Harry!) see them from below; from his/her natural habitat marked by birth, and the promotion and moving in order to be nearer to his/her idols. A kind of magic is made which fascinates every plebeiansand inciting them to imitate rules and social customs like people who are higher up.
Really, monarchy is a motivation so that any subject decides to excel himself/herself.
You have realized I -like our journalist- am a moderate Republican- there are things that piss me off more than a king or queen, but if we speak about the matter, I am unable of understanding men bowing his nape or women kneeling down before a person who is exactly like you. And what do you tell meabout that anachronic idea of thinking that Lord was who choses the royalty? God, a pleasant guy with whom I stopped having a relationship since my times of the Borstal.
Gary is right.

 <<The purpose of these highly scripted and tightly choreographed weddings is twofold: to renew the monarchy’s sense of legitimacy and to establish its relevance.>>

For this I, as an adult and non-believer, do not need `this propaganda through tasty pastry´ like they did with Gary´s children.
From my Borstal.

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