Sunday, 19 April 2020

Banqueticians again 

After the scourge of this virus, will we be better persons? Will some things be fixed that at present and by history are so unfair?

We hear people from all human condition say we're going to get changed after this. They think, or at least say so, that after the covid-19 we will have learned the lesson and we will be more supportive, more human. Yadda, yadda.
This pandemic has not been the first nor will it be the last, and yet, greed will quickly put it into oblivion in pursuit of some material, economic interest.
Will the banketicians transform as generous beings empathized with the needs of those below? Either I am wrong or all of them after a few months, what do I say, the day after the quarantine is over, they will set their eyes on the most lucrative businesses, bribes and easy money, with the ailment that the country needs the business movement to move forward. When already many of them will have taken advantage of 'businesses' more than murky.
Three weeks back, when the reclusion began, I wrote that there was only one thing that made us both rich and less rich and poor equal, and it was nothing but toilet paper. For me, the only thing that equals us with that rabble that will have us under control again is the ass; because that part of our body is the most difficult to silence  —and I don't mean it in a double sense— while the other parts of who we are and through which we stay in touch with reality are easier to handle.

From my Borstal.

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