Saturday 4 November 2023


Dicebant mihi sodales, si sepulchrum amicae visitarem, curas meas aliquantulum fore levatas


A feeling, for which I have no name, has taken possession of my mind…

Considered the month of deceased, November brings people together in cemeteries, regardless of whether you´re a strong believer or have slight contact with atheism. I don't know if it´s a religious ritual, a civic custom or both, something that I´ve never cared to clarify, but what´s true is that — let me not be misapprehended — some comfort should be provided to the relatives of the deceased by visiting their loved ones at least once a year and during these holidays.

Coincidentally, a few days ago I came across on Instagram, on one of those pages that people insert in the middle of photos with sweetened landscapes, a quote attributed to the poet Ben Zaïat:

My companions told me I might find some little alleviation of my misery, in visiting the grave of my beloved


From my Borstal


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