Wind quartet in Am for voice and basso
continuo with chorus of hens.
The auditorium is small in size. You could
say that it is an individual room for music lovers where only the musicians and
one lucky listener fit, since the space it occupies is exactly a little cement
bridge with railings taken from an old balcony over the Salado stream. I am
talking about a surface area of approximately
three by four metres.
Let me introduce the players: clarinet,
Maestro Paleartic Wren; piccolo, Maestro Blue Tit; oboe, Maestro Tit and
bassoon, Maestro Jay. A spontaneous chorus is composed by blackcaps,
black-headed warblers, stonechats, black wheatears, blaackbirds and many
chickens that can be heard in the distance. The sound of the stream´s water acts
as a basso continuo.
These musicians, unlike those who play at
the Scala in Milán, the Staatsoper in Berlin, the Suntory in Tokyo, our Royal
Albert Hall, the Sala Pleyel in Paris or the Musikverein in Vienna do not need
to rehearse for several days under the baton of a famous conductor. They,
naturally, adjust their rhytm or personality of the score that the momento demands and there is no record
of a single musical note having ever been heard out of place.
Please, silence. The first movement
Y. a.
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