Monday, 5 June 2017

Goodness versus simpleness
I´m learning to read and write and I like to do it on my own. All help is very welcome

Fran, do you think wives are selfish? I will try to explain why this question.
My friend Godoy, you know who is. I have already told you about him. Well, my friend Godoy is preparing a trip to Ireland and because of this project they have its good and its bad points so to speak.
I think I know Godoy. He is goodnatured and he is always ready and willing.
To start with he takes up the main meal, he buys what they need, he cooks, he lays the table, he cleans the table and turns on the diswasher.
He makes the bed, he hangs out the whasing... and in relation to the housework, I´m not going to detail all the rest.
Yet what draws my attention in his availability so that the other family members can count on him. A daughter´s university certificate? No problem, Godoy asks for it. His son. Do you need to pick you up at the airport? O. K. Godoy is on duty. The youngest daughter seeks for a rare book. Dad Godoy will check out the bookshops.
May is the grandfather ill? His son in law will take him at the doctor´s. This every other day.
Now I ask you: doesn´t my friend deserve a travel for ten days? For heaven sake, ten days a year.
During his burial the worst they will can say about him it
will be: did you know that Godoy travelled alone for a
couple of weeks frecuently? And not even this would be

Let it be clear that -due to his weak character- his wife confuses goodness and simpleness. As I like saying: how difficult it is to be good without looking silly.
Y. a.

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