Saturday, 2 December 2017

Sleeping in a shack
What Leonardo Sakamoto remarks in his article is the importance of mobilization of the workforce and the fight of modest people. A force that bring together who were ‘out’ the system created by the system and that had its highlight five or six years ago in countries like Greece, Italy and Spain.

However when Mr Tsipras pull his trousers faced with Troika, the Greek people left seriously hurt; Mr Grilo is tired and his followers don´t realize they need new sap. As for Spain, the Podemos politicians —I appreciate some isolated successes— now are speaking in a casta way.
Mr Sakamoto introduces his text us speaking about a wall built in the XVI century. That wall separated what it will be São Paulo and the outsiders, the centro expandido and the outskirts, the castle and its serfs. The Tietê and the Pinheiros rivers as moat.
Inside the castle (Jardim Paulista, to give an example) are mixed revolutionary people and reactionary people, atheists and believers (inside the castle people live till their 80). Those that live out the castle (Jardim Ângela or so) barely survive and they die at 56.
«Com o crescimento econômico da última década, a pobreza foi reduzida no país, mas a desigualdade se manteve...»
How do you explain this? Ha! I catch it. The country has more money nevertheless that dough belongs to the rich who don´t give a stuff who are not like them. Feudal lords. Bruscar.
This inequality produces violence. Much more out the castle but inside the castle too. How do the richest defend against these wretches? They have two strategies; on the one hand, with an obscure economic power, on the other hand, flying (more of 400 helicopters, ready to take off) and with armour-plated cars.
I don´t believe it. The public power exists to serve whom have more resources. Well I never, I didn´t know that!
«Até porque nossos “grandes líderes” naufragam em tempos de chuva, com as enchentes que transbordam os rios da cidade, ou desidratam em tempos de seca – com a falta de água nas torneiras devido à ausência de planejamento urbano. Isso quando não corrompem e são corrompidos.» 
I like when Leonardo Sakamoto says that people don´t decide where to be born but they can choose where to live in. Who the Earth owner is?
What will be happening in São Paulo forty years hence? I hope that social movement don´t flat —as happened and is happening in some European countries— and the invisible wall, with shameful interests, is tear down.
From my Borstal.


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