Thursday, 12 March 2020

Toilet tissue

I go out and everyone talks about the same thing. A woman and a man each of them with their dog they are talking; an old lady on her cell phone urges her family and friends to fill the fridge with food and they will run and they will seize with the supermarket stock: the shelves will be empty.

This is globalization and not television, nor what´s app nor even the species of Argentine parrots that invest the palms of our avenues.
Covid-19. In the face of a pandemic like this, we react hysterically and the tens of thousands of years of supposed evolution that we have carried on Earth have got involved, and we once again experience feelings like those we had in the time of the caves and the wonder of fire.
The most powerful world leaders, for once, agree that the enemy is common and they have their dicks in the wind. They all have the same power at the moment.
In Australia, USA, Italy, my country, here and in the neighbouring country the toilet paper is running out And even a friend of mine has confessed to me that he is saving the brown paper cartridges that the fruit bowl with the apples gives him to give a second and definitive use to it. Who knows?
The ass makes us all the same.

From my Borstal.

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